How it works

The aim of Enlist is to make the process of taking a job on a farm as simple as possible. Currently, the recruitment agencies working with farms require potential pickers to commit weeks, if not months, of their lives to going to a farm and working – even for those on furlough, this is practically impossible. The farms that these workers are being sent to are miles away, the hours are impractical and so the job becomes impossible.

This needs to change – and we at Enlist have the answer!

  • Choose the days that suit you; can be a single day or a whole month!
  • Choose the farm that you want to work on and that is convenient

Enlist and work on your terms!

What about training?

You will receive training on the day – it will be noted on your account what skill set you have and therefore you, and farmers, can pick jobs to which you are best suited.

How much do I get?

Depends on the job, the farm and how much work you do! Pay will be worked out on a weight basis, so the more you pick, the more you earn! Applying for jobs for which you are already trained means you can get to work straight away and maximise your earnings!

There aren’t any jobs in my area

We are actively seeking out new farmers and getting them to post jobs on the system, so watch this space – or make it a weekend trip! Some farms will offer accommodation offset against earnings, see the details on each job for further information

What are the points on my account for?

We set up Enlist to help the country, the countryside and the environment. By Enlisting, you are helping us do this – so it only makes sense that we reward you! For each job that you arrive on time for, complete a certain amount of work for, the more people you lead to our site who sign up and work? The more points you get and as we all know – points mean prizes! We will be teaming up with ethically sourced and environmentally friendly companies to find some goodies for top recruits!